10 Apr 2018 by ERTSAR HQ


Dear all

We would like to announce that our member Patrick Robinson, has been successfully nominated for the Toronto Volunteer Legacy Award

We were working with the Charity VOLUNTEER TORONTO and speaking to the City of Toronto and Mayors Office at the New Year and we were told we could nominate someone for the VOLUNTEER TORONTO LEGACY AWARD.

We know that there are many hardworking, committed and dedicated members of ERT SAR but we know as we had one nomination, in Toronto, who it would be.

As you all know Patrick Robinson has been a valued member for a little over 4 years and in that time achieved the attendance of someone twice the time. He is at most everything we do and also does a huge amount of work in our membership and administration of ERT SAR.

What a lot of people don’t know is that he also does this with an unwavering dedication, reliability and commitment whilst the other two members of his family have a lot of medical issues and also require his daily attention at home.

Not to get too personal but his weekly routine requires him to take his ailing mother to get regular blood transfusions as she is elderly and half blind and with other medical needs. And as well as spending time with his Daughter and her needs.

Yet he dedicates much time and expense of his own to the service of the team and what we do including supplying a lot of gear to the team, supporting the purchase of RESCUE 21 and even traveling to the UK team last year.

I think we can all join in and thank Patrick for all he does and congratulate him on this well-deserved award!

If anyone is available and would like to join us at the award on 19 April you may be able to attend for an event ticket donation of $20. There are not many available places but if you can come please let us know and sign up.

I have included a copy of their invitation below.

On behalf of our team and ourselves, THANK YOU PATRICK!

Gary Foo
SAR Chief
Chief Executive


Dear Gary,

I hope you’re well.

I’m pleased to let you know that, after receiving many nominations and having a panel of judges review them, Patrick Robinson was chosen as one of 25 people to be rewarded with a Volunteer Toronto Legacy Award as recognition of the volunteering he has done in the community. Congratulations!


“We look forward to honouring your nominee, Patrick Robinson, with a Volunteer Toronto Legacy Award at a special ceremony on Thursday, April 19, 2018 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. at Metro Hall, 55 John Street, Toronto, ON, M5V 3C6.

If anyone else you know would like to attend, you can send them the link below or use it to book tickets on their behalf. We have up to 75 general admission tickets available on a first-come, first-served basis.

We would very much appreciate a suggested donation of $20 for each general admission ticket reserved. The donation will help us cover the cost of the event and will support our work helping youth, adults, and seniors find meaningful volunteer opportunities.

If you have any questions at all between now and the event, please do not hesitate to reach out. Otherwise, I look forward to meeting you in person on April 19, 2018!

Thank you,"

Olivia Sonnenberg
Development and Events Coordinator
344 Bloor St West, Suite 404, Toronto, ON M5S 3A7


Metro Hall, 55 John Street, Toronto, ON, M5V 3C6

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