Rescuer Fitness & shakeout

29 Jul 2017 by ERTSAR HQ

Twitter video:

It was a great evening with 16 of us participating in the RESCUE SECTION training, fitness and shakeout session.

Some new rescue knots tips and tricks as well as rapid extrication techniques of downed personnel etc.

There was a tab/ yomp with belt kit and Ruck sack / grab bag immediately followed bye a Non-Stop run followed by running interrupted with push-ups and sit-ups and Sprint’s.

Also chin-ups and sit-ups and flexibility exercises and other related functional movements including running with rope while tying a knot to deliver at The Hot Zone!

BMI was strictly measured and all revolutions timed. In ERT SAR we believe we have a duty of care to our members to the public AND OUR MEMBERS. We monitor and measure a regularly maintained fitness standard especially for Hot Zone Rescuers and everyone should be proud that we do.

The full standards for RESCUE TECH FITNESS will be on pdf for you to see under the documents section and will be available for all operational members to view.

Well done everyone!

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